by Harsh Shah on Oct 26, 2022

Diwali is a festival of family gatherings, celebrations, lights, crackers, and lots of food. Diwali would be incomplete without snacks and sweets. However, while celebrating, it is also important to take care of your health. Diwali is the festival of lights that heals all the darkness around us when our minds, bodies, and spirits are pure. Let us light up the darkness of our hearts with the purity of Ayurveda this Diwali and enjoy a healthy Diwali with some simple health tips
Humans, especially we Indians during festive seasons, have a common practice of eating something sweet after any meal. Even at parties, starters and soups are served first, followed by desserts. This habit has become a behavioral pattern that has been followed for the past few decades in the name of modern-time parties. However, many people are unaware that our ancient Indian culture recommends that we eat sweets before beginning our full-fledged meal. Our forefathers and ancestors established certain rules to ensure that our bodies function properly. Clearly, there must be a reason for this rule as well.
Desserts are usually served at the end of a meal, but Ayurveda prefers that you start your meal with something sweet. Whether it's a simple daal-roti-sabji or a lavish eight-course meal, the sweets always have to come last. In fact, the term "Dessert" comes from the French verb "Desservir," which means "To Clean The Table."
The Ayurvedic eating order is thought to be based on taste, i.e. Sweet, Sour, Salt, Pungent, Bitter, and Astringent. That means starting with something sweet, then something salty in the middle, and something astringent or spicy at the end. Eating foods that satisfy all six tastes helps us to maintain our health. Foods with a single or few flavors can cause a variety of health issues.
But who can blame them? Long after you've finished a filling meal and your brain has sent out satiety signals, there's always room for that some sweets. However, while we have become accustomed to satisfying our sweet tooth after a meal the post-dinner walk is frequently used as an excuse to stop by the local ice cream vendor, here too Ayurveda contends that the sweet should come first.
Ayurveda also claims that the body cannot function without sweets. It is required for tissue development. Sweets are medicinal when consumed in moderation. Dieticians and experts also state that this does not apply to refined sugar, which has been stripped of all nutrients. Sugar desserts add load to the body, piling up calories that your body stores as fat because that is the only storage form it is familiar with. Dessert is so high in calories that you'd rather have it as a meal in and of itself, preferably before a workout to burn off all those calories."
A sweet also helps to overpower the Vayu (Wind) in the stomach of a hungry person, while sour and salty tastes in the middle of the meal help stimulate the digestive fire in the small intestine. The pungent, bitter, and astringent flavor aids in the suppression of Kapha dosha (Earth Element).
What Does Ayurveda Say About Sweets - Before or After Meal?
So, how did we end up eating calorie-laden sugars after a heavy meal? Ayurveda explains from a macrobiotic diet perspective, sugar craves sugar because it is yin energy. Each food group has an energy that can be classified as Yin (Loosely Translated As Female Energy) or Yang (Masculine Energy).
You feel expanded with sugar because sugar creates upward-rising energy, and you want more of that. As a result, a simple carb craves sugar, which is why a meal high in simple carbs is usually followed by dessert, heavy animal proteins (Yang Energy) found in eggs and meats are also difficult to digest, leaving you bloated and aggressive.
That's why, after a meaty meal, your body craves sugar to balance out the dense Yang Energy. Experts recommend satisfying your sugar cravings with fruits and vegetables like carrots, onions, cabbage, sweet potato, and red pumpkin rather than white sugar foods.
Here Are Some Ayurvedic Tips For Having Sweets Guilt Free
Eat Ghee-Based Sweets And Avoid Deep-Fried Sweets
People are advised to consume ghee-based sweets in order to balance Pitta. However, if the sweets are fried, the ghee effect fades. Make sure your ghee does not become fried. You can avoid gulab jamun by eating ladoos made of aata, besan, or corn.
Dalchini, Honey, and Lemon
If you've had a heavy meal, try a tablespoon of honey with a squeeze of lemon and daalchini. It will help you lose fat while also stimulating suitable enzymes in your system. In a way, this combination keeps cholesterol from skyrocketing.
If you know that you are in for a heavy meal later in the day, why not prepare your system beforehand? Ahead of the meal, have a spoon of Trikatu with ghee to keep your metabolism strong and digest your food. Trikatu is a mixture of black pepper or kali mirch, ginger, and long pepper or pippali. Ayurvedic experts say that trikatu with ghee works well for diabetics also who want to enjoy the season and have a little more sweetness, as it controls the sugar level too.
Sugar Control With Aloe Vera, Turmeric, and Amla
Ayurvedic experts suggested that Aloe Vera, turmeric, and amla can help people control their blood sugar levels. To make the jelly, cut 2 inches of aloe vera leaf, 1 inch wide. This combination is recommended to be consumed before going to bed.
Don't punish yourself by keeping your distance from the Diwali delicious. A couple of sweets or one samosa will not harm you. Many people, however, may overeat during the holiday season, resulting in bloating, acidity, and other health issues. Though Ayurveda does not advocate binge eating, one should follow the advice given by Ayurvedic doctors and experts.
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